
A compendium for luxury living

Discover the Minimalism Lookbook

Explore the Lookbook centred on pared-back luxury

Jade Bloomfield
By Jade Bloomfield, Editor
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If it’s true that your environment is a reflection of your mind then those who embrace minimalist design are on the right path. Associated with bringing a sense of mental clarity, freedom from the distraction of clutter and offering a clean slate from which to start each day, minimalist interiors make one of the strongest cases for how one’s home can have a positive impact on one’s life.

Trimmed with frills, layered in pattern and steeped in colour this aesthetic is not. The definitive style—crisp, refined and devoid of fuss—is rooted in the conviction that less is more. It understands that the inherent beauty of materials requires no additional layers of detail. And, when it comes to craftsmanship and quality, minimalism knows that those are the only things that matter.

Whilst minimalist spaces are synonymous with purity, boast uncomplicated lines, straightforward forms and understated palettes, they make for a surprisingly challenging task. No detail can be hidden and even the most confident of designers will spend hours mulling over even a tiny detail. With fewer elements vying for attention within a space, each piece of furniture, each piece of decor, must be perfect and work hard to earn its place. Occam’s razor in full force. 

Some designers choose to take minimalism to the next level, creating all-white homes that resemble scenes frosted in delicate snowfall or cloaked in mist. Parisian designer Guillaume Alan is one such designer. Leaving no space for ambiguity, he chooses to work in an exclusive palette of white and pale cool grey. His portfolio is a lesson in minimalism in the extreme. For him “purity is a way of life.”

Others approach the style with slightly less purism. Though seemingly a contradiction, duo Humbert & Poyet (p.28) prove that this look also belongs to the bold. With eye-catching forms and playful takes on scale, the Monaco-based studio’s Louvre project combines a love of natural texture with a colour-free palette in an arresting display of bold minimalism.

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And why, you might ask, is there such an interest from an industry that, by nature, decorates, sometimes excessively, for a style that possesses little in the way of ornamentation? Perhaps it’s the respect for a design which demands a high level of craftsmanship, an explicit attention to detail and the requirement of an eye for good composition. Maybe it’s the confidence that these spaces emanate, with their tenacious determination in a taste that does not waver with pressure from trends. Or perhaps it’s the focus on the art of interior design itself as furniture pieces become sculpture-like in their gallery settings. Regardless, the esteem in which this aesthetic is held has endured throughout the decades. 

Far from mundane, minimalism is striking in its simplicity. Crisp angles define spaces and architecture speaks the dominant language, however undressed; marble surfaces, punctuated with monochrome veining, diffuse natural light. It’s these little details, the nuances in texture, that bring these spaces to life. Without unnecessary distraction, the grain of flawless wood, the weave of linen and the patina of metal detailing get their moment in the spotlight. This is where quality comes into its own.

For some, minimalism might feel like a cold approach to designing a home, but when it’s done right, there’s something undeniably relaxing, or dare I say even inviting about the idea of a blank canvas; a home where there is room for more and never the overwhelm of too much. An escape from the noise and the constant stimulation of the outside world. Whether you choose an abundance of negative space or a few pockets to allow some room to breathe, blank space is essential no matter what style you choose to embrace, leaving room for those pieces that deserve attention to have just that. Quite simply, less allows us to appreciate more.

Unsure where to begin? Consider each piece in your home and ask yourself if they truly deserve a place in your scheme. Exchange arresting artwork for sculptural plaster, cluttered shelves for clean arrangements or even button tufted sofas for their more pared back counterpart and watch it transform your space and mindset. 
