
A compendium for luxury living
House of Gucci interiors | Image Credit 2021 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc. All Rights Reserved. | Read more in The Luxurist at

Inside the House of Gucci

Explore the world of Italian glamour through these enviable set designs

Jon Sharpe
By Jon Sharpe, Chief Creative Officer

One of the most anticipated films of the year, Ridley Scott’s House of Gucci, has been awaited with as much interest as the fashion house’s newest runway collection. And by fashion and film lovers alike. Replete with an all-star cast and envy-inducing costuming, the film follows Patrizia Reggiani—played by Lady Gaga—as she marries into the Gucci family. Notorious for its patriarchal hierarchy, the eponymous family is transformed as ambition turns to success, and success turns to murder.

Notorious for its patriarchal hierarchy, the eponymous family is transformed as ambition turns to success, and success turns to murder.

An exuberant display of 1980s Italian finery—jewel-toned cocktail dresses and fur stoles, snow-suits and couture—is an unnamed, but vital character. And, yes, the iconic Gucci print does make an appearance. But, fear not, design lovers, for the House of Gucci set design is just as unmissable as the movie's clothes. A collaborative effort by set decorator Letizia Santucci and production designer Arthur Max, the film’s interior design is an exhibition of wealth, extravagance and Italian splendour.

As the film spans over several decades—the early 70s to the turn of the century—the audience is treated to a broad scope of the family’s distinguished Italian style. And with such an inimitable cast, each character worthy of their own story arc, each is accompanied by a home befitting their personality, all with a definitive air of Gucci

As the decades pass, we see the colour palettes evolve with them. The warm browns and golds of the 70s transition into cool-toned chromes, whites and primary colours. Interior inspiration permeates through every scene and we’re left wishing we could be a fly on the wall of the literal House of Gucci, if not for the secrets, at least for the incredible backdrops. Here’s the best the film has to offer.

House of Gucci 80s Contemporary |
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80s Contemporary

As the film progresses into the 80s, a definitive contemporary interior style emerges, contrasting with the opulence of Italy in the 70s. Sleek, sharp lines punctuate the predominantly white space and pop art is used to contextualise the era and offer texture. The famous Eames chairs, designed by legendary duo Charles and Ray Eames in the 1950s, are found in yellow and red and provide the only source of colour in the couple's New York apartment. Whilst suitably 80s, this space still possesses an incredibly modern sensibility.

House of Gucci Italian Renaissance | Style Guide
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Italian Renaissance

Emblematic of the Gucci lifestyle and the undeniable star of the show, Villa Balbiano – the home of second generation Gucci chairman, Aldo Gucci – in Lake Como is the epitome of Italian grandeur. Set in Lake Como, it is the most opulent of all the sets, with its palladian influence and an abundance of antiques. Frescos line the walls, the rooms are filled with warm neutrals and the low lighting adds to its undeniable seduction. A source of heavenly inspiration, layer marble with velvets and dark woods to recreate the feel of this remarkable villa.

House of Gucci Gold | Style Guide
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The Guccis Love of Gold

As Gaga remarks in the trailer, Gucci is a name “synonymous with wealth, style, power.” For many, so is gold. Often associated with the design house, gold is loved for its indulgent aesthetic and unapologetic decadence. Featuring heavily throughout the film’s many set designs, from chairs to wall panelling and even wardrobe, gold adorns some kind of surface in almost every scene. Introduce the warm tone into your home slowly with frames, light features and gold trimmed kitchenware for a refined and upscale look. Or make an impact with golden furniture, sure to create a Gucci-worthy opulence in any statement-making home.

House of Gucci Masculine Minimalism | Style Guide
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Masculine Minimalism

A clear departure from the homes toured vicariously throughout the film, the office spaces reflect a far colder atmosphere with a definitive masculine edge. Gold is replaced with chrome, and beige is exchanged for frosty whites, offering a glimpse into the cut-throat air of the Gucci empire. Here, the lack of colour provides a clean backdrop that allows the framed black-and-white photography to be the star of the show. Mimic this modern workspace with cool-toned walls, chrome tables and strong, linear sculptures. With no soft surfaces in sight, this is a space that has no time for frills.
