
A compendium for luxury living
How to Personalise Your Home Office Work Space

How to Personalise Your Home Office Work Space

Shake up the 9-to-5 routine with some determining style choices

Joanne Quinn - Senior Interior Designer at LuxDeco Studio
By Joanne Quinn, Senior Interior Designer

Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse. You’re in comfortable walking distance of the fridge but you’re also dangerously close to the remote. The best way to keep your concentration and motivation in check is to put plenty of thought into your home office design and have it work for you.

Gone are the days of a desk piled high in old documents and manuals for items you don’t even own anymore. Or, worse, the dreaded situation of a room that looks like a hurricane’s ripped through it leaving you forced to work at the dining table. When it comes to a home office, it should be appropriately decorated to keep your mind on the task but familiar enough that it’s enjoyable to work in.

If your home office environment is more clinical than chic, more oppressive than organised, then it might be time for a revamp. By making a few key changes you’ll find yourself working in a more stylish space as well as boosting your overall productivity. Win win.

1. Furniture

The furniture you choose for your home office will depend on your career. Architects will need extra large tables for creating and reviewing blue prints, lawyers will undoubtedly appreciate plenty of book storage and careers which require little desk space would welcome a self-contained secretary.

2. Clients

If your line of work means that you regularly to host clients at home, make sure it’s both a welcoming and professional space. A comfortable client chair is an absolute must whilst an umbrella stand and tray of refreshments on hand is a nice touch.

3. Lighting

It’s nigh on impossible to stay alert during a task if you’re sitting in the dark. Make sure your lighting scheme suits your needs to perfection. An office essential, the addition of a well-designed desktop lamp will offer stylish task lighting with many adjustable to accommodate changing daylight.

4. Storage

One way to keep your space at the professional end of the scale is to think carefully about your storage needs. Desk tidies will help maintain a clutter-free surface area and a mixture of drawer, cupboard and filing space will keep everything in its place and easy to find. Don’t forget waste bins either – a tidy room equals a tidy mind after all.

5. Personal Touches

Try incorporating items which will remind you of the other important aspects of your life like family and hobbies. A unique photo wall made up of snaps from memorable trips or an interesting objet will add interest and offer motivation for those distracted moments.
